Steven Universe “The Zoo” Review
With this being the fourth of a five episode, things started to move. Steven finds Greg, but is still trapped in the Zoo.
Steven has entered the Zoo, and found Greg along with many other humans, the descendants of humans transferred there thousands of years ago. Steven and Greg have to wait until the routine is done to search for a way out. While doing the routine, Steven realizes that these humans wouldn’t be able to survive outside of the constantly planned lifestyle.

After the routine Steven and Greg try to escape, but an event called the Choosening happens. The Choosening is how these humans are paired up, but Greg refuses. When he refuses and says both sides have to want to be together, this causes all of the other Zoo humans to start crying. A bunch of Amethysts come in to calm them down, and Steven and Greg get captured.

The same animation as the previous episodes, along with seeing different designs on Amethysts. What was interesting was seeing the designs of the Zoo humans.

Final Thoughts
“The Zoo” is a great episode, because it shows the Zoo humans, and how they’ve adapted to their planned lifestyle. It also reflects some interesting ideas on fictional utopias.
- Interesting plot
- Good message
- Not the most eventful