Star Wars Battlefront II Beta
Star Wars Battlefront is one of the most well known Star Wars video game series. The most recent entry in the series was 2015’s Star Wars Battlefront. It wasn’t the most well received. However, this year the sequel, Star Wars Battlefront II, will be released. So, to show off the game, we have the open beta. This is to show off the game and allow people to play it, rather than just watch videos. The open beta doesn’t have every mode, but some hand picked modes. Since there are a few modes, I’m going to be taking a look at them individually. But before that, I’ll give a brief description of each of the four main classes.
The first class is Assault. The left bumper throws out a grenade, the right bumper shoots a scan dart to show enemies, and pressing both bumpers lets you pull out, for all intents and purposes, a grenade launcher. The next class is the Heavy. The left bumper is essentially the same. However, the right bumper gives you a shield, and pressing both gives you a minigun. The third class is the Officer. His left bumper throws a grenade, except it splits into multiple before it explodes. His right bumper deploys a turret, and pressing both allows your allies in range to take a few more hits. And finally, the Specialist. This is my least favorite class. His left bumper throws a grenade that only slows people down, and his right shows where enemies and allies are, but doesn’t have a color to distinguish the two. And if you press both, you are temporarily unable to be seen by scanners.
Galactic Assault
This is the main mode of the game, and it’s clear to see why. It’s a 20 versus 20 player battle, with multiple objectives that depend on how the previous mode went. This is in addition normal soldiers, as well as heroes, and vehicles for fighting in the air or on the ground.
Starfighter Assault
This may be my favorite mode in the entire beta. You fly around in space either as the Rebels or the Empire, and complete various objectives. The reason I love it is because it’s as crazy as an actual dogfight in space would be. It’s so fun to just fly around and shoot at other ships, especially with the different speed boosts and missiles.
This mode has eight people on either team. One side is trying to steal an artifact and deliver it to an extraction point, while the other side is trying to stop them. You either take the mantle of the First Order trying to steal the artifact, or the Resistance trying to stop them.
Arcade mode is where the split screen co-op mode is found. But for the beta, only two missions can be played, those being Wipe Them Out and Roger Roger. The former sees you playing either as Darth Maul or a Super Battle Droid, and has you take out 25 rebels in 20 seconds, but each kill adds three seconds to the timer. This is basically just to show how strong these characters are, especially Darth Maul. And the other mission sees the droid army fighting the rebels, and both sides have 75 troops, so whoever wipes out the other side first wins.
So, after discussing all the modes and character types, what do I think of Stars Wars Battlefront II as of the beta? I think it’s great, and definitely a step up from the original game. I haven’t experienced any glitches or any players who haven’t been trying. Overall I think it’s a better experience, and with the coming game modes, I think the experience can only get better and better.