Solo: A Star Wars Story’s First Trailer
So, there’s a new Star Wars movie that’s coming out this summer, and we just recently got the trailer? While that may seem like setup for a bad movie, not only did we get a Super Bowl ad and a trailer, they showed different things. While there was a lot shown, it’s mostly unknown. However, from these first two trailers, we can somewhat piece together the plot of Solo: A Star Wars Story.
We hear that Han has always been running schemes since the age of 11, which fits well with the character that we all know. We also learn that he applied to the Empire’s flight school, and was subsequently kicked out. Han’s statement is that’s it’s because he had a mind of his own, but it’s much more likely he was running some schemes on the side.
Next we see someone talking to Han, talking about how he’s putting together a team. This is most likely someone reaching out to Han for a smuggling job. We know this job will have Han meet up with Lando, and presumably this is where he meets Chewbacca.
We do know this job will have the team come in fire of the Empire, as shown by the shot of a Star Destroyer following the Millenium Falcon. This could mean that something important to the Empire will be stolen, possibly taking inspiration from the Lando comic.
It also seems like we’ll be able to see the power of the Death Star once again, similar to in Rogue One. This is seen when Han’s flying a ship away from a snowy mountain, with a dome-like explosion similar to the city destroying attacks in Rogue One.
Speaking of Lando Calrissian, he looks like he’s going to be great. I mean, it’s hard to go wrong with Donald Glover, but it looks like he’ll knock it out of the park. He definitely seems like he’s got an ulterior motive for being on this job, but at the very least, we’ll get to see how his and Han’s relationship grew into the one we see in Empire Strikes Back.