Mega Man 11: Robot Masters Revealed
Capcom has announced that the newest Mega Man Game will be released this year. However, there hasn’t been much news about the game. While most people asummed this would be rectified at E3, Capcom has just released a trailer showing off a few small plot details, as well as officially revealing two Robot Masters.
The trailer starts with Dr. Wily talking to himself after having a bad dream. He plans to use some research from his youth, which is later shown to be the double gear system. However, where does this come into play? We see Mega Man get a double gear system from Dr. Light later on, but the system isn’t shown with any of Wily’s robots.
After that we see Mega Man starting a stage, and it’s interesting to note that he starts with five lives, instead of the traditional three. We then see Mega Man running through stages, jumping across chasms with blocks falling, and blasting enemies. There are also sections where Mega Man is being chased by a spinning blade, and where he needs vertically platform.
But from there we see the return of a few features, those being Rush Coil, Rush Jet, Eddie, Beat, and the shop. Everything seems to be the same, except for the shop. You can still buy the regular things, with Eddie functioning as something to buy rather than having him just show up. But there is one very interesting thing in the shop, that being the page amount. There is shown to be three pages, but all the typical items seem to be on this first page. This could mean cosmetic items are on the next pages, possible new features, or even features for other characters.
Coming right off of that we finally see what the double gear system does. One of the gears slows down time, making things easier for Mega Man to dodge. While the other powers up the Mega Buster. We see that it increases the strength of the special weapons, but we don’t know what it does for the regular blaster. Both of these abilities also have a meter that slowly fills while they’re used, but it’s unknown what happens when it fully fills up.
And after that we finally see two of the eight new Robot Masters. The first of which has never been seen before, that being Fuze Man. He seems to be occupying the electric villain for this game, and his design looks pretty cool, while still being simplistic. We also see a bit of his boss fight, where he teleports zig-zag towards the roof, and then shoots straight down.
And next we see Block Man, who was the previously revealed Robot Master. He’s weak to Fuze Man’s weapon, which is a giant ball of electricity that hovers above Mega Man’s head. We then see that after taking enough damage Block Man gets inside of a giant brick version of himself. Mega Man then uses the third gear which had been shown before, and shoots out a large blast when this ability is used.
But that’s not all we learned today. In a tweet we saw some preorder exclusives like stickers, but the most important is that we see the selection screen. While we don’t know their names, we do see their faces, which can help for theories.
And we finally get the long awaited release, and it’s scheduled for October 2nd, later this year. Honestly, this is a much earlier release date than many predicted, assuming it would release in November.